Saturday, April 19, 2014

G4 Challenge Obsession!!!

Hello Again Friends,

I have always wanted to make my own collection of Land Rover G4 Challenge vehicles and began that process around 6-7 years ago. I kept waiting for Matchbox Mattel to do it as they had plenty of Land Rover and Range Rover models to pick from but I could wait no longer. All of these have been repainted and/or enhanced by adding details such as the Dutch flag on the picture above, addition of roof supplies/racks, antennas, changing wheels, adding window trim and front/rear lights etc. Most of these are Matchbox, but the keen collector will spot a few Hot Wheels, Malibu (HighSpeed) and Welly models as well.

During the last 1-2 years, Mattel finally released a G4 Challenge themed model in the 60th Anniversary line which was my favorite from that line.

So let's get on with the G4 Challenge show:) We will start with the Matchboxes:

And now the other brands.....


HighSpeed (Malibu)

HighSpeed (Malibu)
Hot Wheels

And I just had to take some shots of them in their natural elements as well. Looks fun, no?

I also have a few in the pre-decaling stages and a few others waiting to hit the trails.

I hope you have enjoyed my slight obsession with the G4 Challenge. Please drop me a comment if you feel the urge.


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